
Going Above and Beyond

Published on August 22, 2018

As a doctoral student at Carolina, she was a champion for women in STEM.

As a doctoral student at Carolina, she was a champion for women in STEM.

Tojan Rahhal ’16 (Ph.D.) is a leader for improving the representation and experiences of women and students from underrepresented minority groups in STEM fields. She played an important role in her time in bringing the Women in Science group back to campus by serving on the executive committee, as co-chair and as chair. The mission of Women in Science is to encourage the continued success of women by empowering leaders, facilitating professional development and promoting gender equality in science.

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Rahhal received the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy Kathryne A. Brewington Graduate Student Research Award in 2015.

This is story number 140 in the Carolina Stories 225th Anniversary Edition magazine.

UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy Funding Priorities

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