Changing Corporate America
“I plan to become a future CEO of a business and particularly focus on how we can embrace diversity and inclusion in the workplace..."
“I plan to become a future CEO of a business and particularly focus on how we can embrace diversity and inclusion in the workplace..."
Yazmire Witherspoon knew her family would do everything they could to pay for her education, but she also knew the reality of college costs. “My mom was always willing to make sacrifices for me to be a first-generation college student,” said Yazmire. “Carolina’s incredibly generous scholarships and financial aid, particularly the Carolina Covenant, have taken the worry off my shoulders and changed my life for the better.”
Throughout her time at Carolina, Yazmire has been traveling both within the U.S. and across borders. During her first year, she was one of the first seven Cumpston Fellows who embarked on a journey to Tucson, Arizona, and Sonora, Mexico, to learn about borders and borderlands. This past summer, she attended STANDOUT Emerging Leaders Camp in Cincinnati, Ohio, with Proctor and Gamble. Out of 7,000 applications, Yazmire was chosen as one of the top 190 students in the nation. These experiences have helped her to both grow as a student and determine her career goals.
“I plan to get my master’s in either human resources or industrial/organizational psychology,” said Yazmire. “I plan to become a future CEO of a business and particularly focus on how we can embrace diversity and inclusion in the workplace, especially among corporate America.”