Student Support

Understanding Health Equity

Students at the UNC School of School of Social Work are working to understand and address gaps in access to health care.

Xiadani Avila (left) and Kelsey Yokovich (right) pose at the UNC School of Social Work on Oct. 24th, 2022.

Students at the UNC School of School of Social Work are working to understand and address gaps in access to health care.

At the UNC School of Social Work, two Baumann Scholars are working to understand issues of health equity for Latinx people in North Carolina. Kelsey Yokovich ’23 (MSW) is researching oral health and access to dental care. Xiadani Avila ’23 (MSW) is working at the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services to assess the availability of mental health resources, COVID-19 prevention and care, and the potential impact of expanding public health insurance programs.

“I’m working to see what the gaps are what we can do to close those gaps,” Avila said of her research. “There is a lack of current research even though North Carolina has the fastest growing Latinx population and we’ve had a 40% increase in our population across the last decade.”

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