Student Support

Opportunity achieved

Published on September 29, 2015

“Donors like the Brown family are important to students like myself because they make it possible for us to fulfill our goals...”

“Donors like the Brown family are important to students like myself because they make it possible for us to fulfill our goals...”

“Donors like the Brown family are important to students like myself because they make it possible for us to fulfill our goals,” said Natalie Charamut ’18. “I [had] this awesome experience that will help me for the rest of my life.”

For Natalie, a Brown Family Internship Award—started by Michael Brown, parent of a 2015 UNC graduate—made it possible for her to complete an internship in Washington, D.C. During summer 2015, she interned at the National Archives’ Boeing Learning Center, planning, implementing and organizing educational activities.

The internships awards, administered by the UNC Office of Scholarships and Student Aid, enable students to gain valuable work experience and insight into potential careers—experiences that might not have otherwise been possible without the funding.



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