
Let’s Hear It For The Band

Published on October 11, 2018

“We usually get to campus early for the band warm-ups..."

“We usually get to campus early for the band warm-ups..."

“My time at Carolina was wonderful. Not easy, but wonderful. It was a great experience for a small-town, farm boy with the campus beauty, great professors and lifelong friends.  A small circle of Carolina friends and I recently participated in our 50-year commencement reunion, including marching on the field in Kenan Stadium. It was a most excellent event.

“My wife and I have been Rams Club members and football season ticket holders for over 10 years, and our seats are directly behind the band and Tar Pit. We like the music, the enthusiasm, the energy and what the band adds to an afternoon in Kenan. We usually get to campus early for the band warm-ups, and the halftime performances are great.

“We know the band members are hard-working, talented, motivated students and we want to show our support and appreciation in a small way. If you’re thinking about making a gift, just do it. The band is a wonderful part of a wonderful institution.”

-Les Turbeville ’68

Turbeville made a $50 donation to the UNC Band Gift Fund in 2018 as part of the Campaign for Carolina.

Photo:Old timers, good friends and former roommates, left to right, Les Turbeville, Warren Dixon and Dave Fortenbery.Photo courtesy of Les Turbeville.

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