An Education Beyond the Classroom
We know that Carolina students can and will have an immeasurable impact on the world.

We know that Carolina students can and will have an immeasurable impact on the world.
We know that Carolina students can and will have an immeasurable impact on the world. We take to heart that Morehead should be involved in preparing them accordingly. We employ Carolina students on campus in numbers second only to the University Library system. Among their responsibilities, they work with our after-school kids, present shows in the GlaxoSmithKline Fulldome Theater, perform demonstrations on the science stage and function behind the scenes, taking on administrative duties that make Morehead tick. In the process, they gain real-world learning opportunities, and we grow a loyal cadre of Morehead alumni. Our students are a major reason why Morehead holds such a special place on the UNC campus. Your support for them will ensure we continue to do so.