Student Support

A New Way of Learning

Remote learning includes successes and surprises

Remote learning includes successes and surprises

Carolina faculty began teaching remotely this past week, re-starting courses suspended because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Our faculty have worked tirelessly to ensure that 96 percent of our courses are available,” Chancellor Kevin M. Guskiewicz said in a video message to campus. “Thanks to that work, we’ll be able to continue learning and growing together.”

For many, #VirtualFDOC did feel like the first day of class, one full of successes, surprises, some bumps and lots of learning.

A little nervous about giving his first live online lecture, John Orth,William Rand Kenan Professor of Law, decided to pre-record it. He addressed his video talk to the only “person” in the empty classroom, a Pinocchio doll that he set in the front row.

“I’m social distancing for this man and this man only,” said Law School student Montana Vaughn, in aTweetOpens in new windowthat garnered more than 1.2 million likes.

See how other Carolina faculty and students have responded to remote teaching and learning. 

Read the complete Carolina Story…Opens in new window

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